This guide will go over the overview and the functions you can find on each candidate's profile. We will go over the following:
- Candidate profile functions
- Short cuts from the candidate profile
- Download and print out CV’s and other documents
Candidate profile functions
When you go to the menu item Applications or the CV-database you can find an overview of all the applications you have received. By clicking on an applicant you are presented with different options which you can learn more about below:
- Applicant data: In the first menu item on the candidate profile you can access details of all the job postings they have applied for. You can add notes that other users of the platform can see, unless you make them private.
- Tags and notes: This menu item lets you add notes and tags. This can be useful in cases where you have spoken to the candidate on the phone and received additional information that you want to save on their profile, but cannot add anywhere else. You can also upload a document and write an evaluation of the candidate
- Correspondences: Here you can access the correspondence that you have had with the candidate through your HR-ON Recruit account. Learn more about this in this guide.
- Digital signature: If you need a signature from the candidate, it is easy to use HR-ON Recruit’s tool for digital signature. This is relevant when the candidate needs to sign their contract. Learn more in this digital signature guide.
- Consents and log files: In this menu item you can find an overview of all the consents that the candidate has accepted or are awaiting their acceptance. You can also use this function to issue a consent request. Learn more on this in this guide. You can also access a log of who has accessed the candidate’s profile and when
Short cuts from the candidate profile
Besides the menu items that you find on the candidate’s profile, you can also click on the three dots in the right corner when accessing the profile. In the image below, you can see where the three dots are located. From here you can find short cuts for different functions.
When you click on the three dots you have access to gather all CV information as well as all consents. You can edit the candidates CV and information such as phone number and email.
Additionally, you can find an email shortcut and a short cut where you attach the candidate to a different job posting. When you do this the candidate’s CV, cover letter and additional information will be copied to this job posting. The candidate will still be attached to the current job posting.
You also have the option of sharing their CV with internal users, which you can read more about in this guide. Lastly, you can delete the CV if you need to.
Download and print out CV’s and other documents
Through the candidate profile you can download their CV and additional documents. This means that you can print out these documents if you need to. Please be aware of keeping up with the GDPR when you store a candidates data outside of HR-ON Recruit. It is our recommendation that you consult a specialized lawyer.
To download the CV and other documents go to the candidate’s profile. Above their documents on the right side of the picture, click on view all (as you can see in the blue circle below). This activates a dropdown menu with a list of all the candidate’s documents. Click on the download button next to documents you want to download.
The next guide will go over how you can send emails to the candidates and how you access other correspondences.