In this guide we will cover the following:


Fold out the section by clicking on the little arrow. 

When creating a new job posting, you must select which department it belongs to. You choose the department by clicking on the name in the drop-down list. The job posting can only be a part of one department.

Technically, it means that the job posting and the applicants will only be shown to users that have a connection to the specific department - of course, depending on the permissions the user other vise have.


Responsible recruiter 

When choosing the responsible recruiter, you should know that it is the person who is responsible for the completion of the recruitment process. As the responsible recruiter, you will automatically get notified and have the right to oversee the job posting and the applicants. 

Other than that, the responsible recruiter can also appear as the sender of the emails if you choose that.


Members of the recruitment board 

Under the field, ''Select members for the recruitment board'' you click on, Add and choose the users you want to be a part of the board. The selected users will get permission to access the received application and their information. They also have to possibility to rate them. 

The users will get notified automatically by mail that they have been added to the recruitment board. You can choose as many users as you need. 





Location of work 

The field Location of Work is where the job is located, and the application should work from. See the list and find the correct location. The places have been automatically listed from the addresses which you have added to the system or when you created a new department. 

You have the opportunity to edit details in the address when you have picked it from the drop-down list. You do that by double-clicking on the street name, the postal code, or the city. 

Notice: If the job posting is set to be published on Jobnet, the postal code must be added. If the job posting is going on LinkedIn, the country must be added. 

Is it a remote job or a sales job on the road? Then pick the address that makes the most sense - it could be the HQ address. 


Contact Person

You can add a contact person if you'd like. You do that by clicking on Add. It is possible to edit the person's information by double-clicking on the text you wish to change. It can be relevant if you'd like to add the contact details to the HQ or the nearest leader for the role. 


In this guide, we have taken you through the fields department, responsible recruiter, members of the recruitment board, location of work, and contact person. In the next guide, we will guide you through how you add and fill out the text within the job posting. 

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