This guide will go over the statistics that you can access through the overview. Among other things, the statistics will show you from where the candidate has accessed the job posting. Additionally, we will touch upon the following:



Statistics 101


Your HR-ON Recruit account provides you with different statistics. You can access one through the overview (frontpage), another through the individual job postings. A third one is accessible via the statistics module. This guide will focus on the statistics on the overview page. You can learn more about the other two here.

Overview: Available statistics


When you log into your HR-ON Recruit account, the first thing you will meet is the overview. From here you can see different information and functions, and if you scroll down you can find the statistics. 


On the top of the statistics page you can see how many CVs you have received as well as how many people have signed up for your job agent. 


The button on the right side of this field lets you switch between ‘show applicant replies’ and ‘show reference source’. The reference source will appear by default. This lets you know from where the candidate accessed your job posting such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or a job portal. However,  in many cases the system will not be able to show you from where the candidate was referenced. This may be due to the fact that the candidate was browsing in incognito mode.

When you click on ‘show candidate replies’ you can see the candidates’ replies to the question of where they found the job posting (if you have added this question to your application form). 




When you use the different settings on the right you have the following options:


  • Conversion rate, applications and hits: Conversion rate shows you how many of the people who have clicked your job posting actually ended up applying for the job. Applications tells you how many people have applied and hits refers to how many people have viewed your job posting. 
  • Statistics for: Choose between ‘reference’ that shows you from where the people who clicked on your job posting was referred from and ‘applications’ tells you where the people that have applied were referred from. 
  • Period: Choose the period you want to see statistics from
  • Graph type: Choose between a stacked bar chart, co-ordinated bar chart or a line graph
  • Job postings: Choose the postings you want to see statistics for
  • Referred from: Tells you from where the candidate was referred

Lastly, you have the option of downloading these statistics in PDF or Excel. 


The next guide will give you insights on the statistics module.

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