Overview - get to know your recruitment system

When you log into HR-ON Recruit, the first thing you will meet is the Overview page. Here you can find different relevant information as well as shortcuts for other areas of the platform.


This guide will go over: 

Short cuts

From the overview you can add short cuts to the different functions of the system like job postings, create a CV and new emails. 


You also have the option of searching for a candidate by clicking on search candidates and then typing in the information you are looking for. This could be the name of a candidate or a specific competence or job type. 


Calendar function

A box on the left shows you a calendar. This is where each user can see upcoming meetings that they are part of within the coming month. Click on a specific date to see the details, and learn more about the meeting in the textbox. 


It is possible to edit information in the calendar. See the image below. 




When you click on manage a bigger version of the calendar will appear. Double click on the meeting you want to edit. If you click on the candidates name, you will go directly to their profile. 


Please note that the edits you make will only apply in HR-ON Recruit. The meeting participants will not be notified of any changes, and neither will the candidate. You must inform them separately. You can send out a new meeting invitation from the recruitment platform, and then this new invitation will appear in the calendar as usual. 


Awaiting action 

The box in the middle lets you see a list of actions that you need to carry out. This is related to the job postings a user has been listed  as a responsible recruiter or if the person is part of a recruitment board.


System messages

In the box on the right you can see the system messages. These are messages published by HR-ON. What you see are merely relevant messages or information related to the recruitment system that you need to manage. These messages will appear the first time you log into the system after the message has been published. 


If you wish to revisit an older message, simply click on the headline and the message will show you an image as well as a preview that you need to click on to be able to read the full message. 

Statistics window

A little further down on the page you can find the statistics window. This will provide you with general statistics of your job postings. You can learn more about the statistics function in this guide


Overview of applications, activity log and favorites


On the bottom of the page, you will find an overview of the latest applications. You can see the candidates name as well which position they have applied for. 


Additionally, you can see the latest activity of the different HR-ON Recruit users. For example, you can see who has edited a job posting and when. 


Finally, you can see an overview of the candidates that have been tagged as favorites. 




The next guide will go over applications.

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